Saturday, September 25, 2010


Yesterday, something funny happened in school.
We cut some papers and trying to throwed them to Ong Wei Ming. But because of our seats was far away from her, the papers we throwed cannot reached her.
So, we changed our target. We spot another random girl in our class. We began to throw it at her. Then, she stood up from his seat and whispered something in another random girl's ear. The second random girl look at us. I asked my friends if they already knew that we throwed to her. Honestly, I don't think they'll know coz they're stupid.
Suddenly, the first random girl said this funny words to one of my friend.
"Debbie ahh, 如果你要针对慧敏,你就针对她一个人,请不要针对她的朋友.因为这样对她的朋友很不公平"
All of us was shocked, of course. But then it's kinda funny coz an egg yolk is scolding us. And not to mention, she's ugly. She still said, "Is it fun to throwed at people? Do you want me to throwed at you?"
But of course she din't throwed to us, she's a coward.
My friends decided to remove her from facebook, of course I don't add this kind of losers.

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