Saturday, September 25, 2010

Peace/Happy in class? HELL NO!

The only things I can say is...I was stuck with a bunch of idiotic friends in school.
I don't understand why she hate her so much...maybe jealous of her?
Because I'm her friend, so she always pulled me to say those insulting words to her.
I'm getting tired of this...It's not fun at all since she don't say something back to us, it makes me feel like we're stupid.
Everyday we're almost repeating the same actions in class, insult her by saying those harsh words, pushing her bag and other else.
I think almost the half class know we hate Ong Wei Ming? Some cowards said how much she hate her, but I don't see them do these kind of things to her.
Although she was ugly, disgusting, loves to show-off, but at least she got brains!
Not like you...bird brains and money is all you have!
Sometimes I really sick of you...always complain to me that you don't have enough money when you have RM100+ in your Roxy wallet.
What's that mean huh? The one who's being bitchy is YOU.
I don't get it why you must turned to me and said those things about you and your money...
I think they're right, you just want to show-off your money and those Roxy stuff.
Currently you're addicted to SHINee?
How can you say that when you're actually listen to one or two of their songs.
Always said "Jonghyun is so handsome. He's handsome than your Key. Jonghyun's mine"
Oh please....You don't have the rights to say only love Ring Ding Dong.
The one who don't understand the situation is YOU.
You don't know how many people hate you because of the stupid rude behavier of yours 
I feel like wanna slap your face and tear the plastic face of yours... 

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