Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Betray and Hurt

Shocked when I saw she wrote these things on my friends wall..
I already throw Sarah's photo into dustbin. I wanna slap her!!! She's blaming all things to me..
I know that it's stupid to get sad over this small issues
But it's kinda hurt when you actually saw your FRIEND wrote all those things..and it's about yourself..
Since when I putting all those blames to you huh?!
I'm just saying the truth..If you can't accept these facts THEN DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE OK ABOUT IT..
Tsk tsk..I'm not like the other three..
They're coward..losers..they don't have that courage to stand before you..
But I'm not..
Adding these three people to your friend list...and I'm the only one you didn't not add...
What does it means??
I need an explanations..
I'm not like you..I don't have any one who's supporting me right now..I'm all alone...
Don't try to test my patient...
You hate me now?
Trying to get some people to anti me??
Ohh fine..I just wanna puke when I saw your face..
Just continue to control those idiots..I don't care

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