Sunday, October 10, 2010

Complicated life

Many things had happened recently..
like I kena demerit 8 marks by my annoying bc teacher..
Shouldn't took others books stick my name on it and pass-up to check..XDD
And the other gang in my class had a little problems with our group..
A war in facebook...XDD
At first I was shocked when I knew that someone hate me..
But now I'm used to it anyway..
It wasn't really surprise when I befriends with the most annoying people in class..
So people started to said all those craps..
Sarah changed already.She's not like that at the beginning.She's not that rude and doesn't talk much when the school starts.It's all because of them,so she'll became like this.
Or worst..
She probably planned something bad on others.
Seriously I'm not the type of person that will angry over a small things..
But I really really can't take it when people talks somethings bad about me behind my back.
When I asked that person to explained it to me again, she seems angry and said somethings ridiculous.
.Can you stop talk about this?I've already apologized to you and you understand my thoughts about you.What you do still want?
I don't understand why she's angry. She don't have the right to be angry. It's her fault anyway.
I don't like others to catch the weak point of mine. Plus I'll cry easily.
It's not like I wanna act strong in fronts of them..they just don't understand.
Tuesday is gonna be a long day..

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