Saturday, October 16, 2010

Found another two members and plans~

It's getting boring and boring~~
There's no point for me to befriends with her already right? ^^
Honestly, I don't care it very much..
But since I've found another two members that hate her too, I'm not gonna let it go~
She deserve it...watching those people bullied by her, I felt bad..
We gonna end this~!!
We're planning to give her a BIG surprise on the last day of school..and she's gonna enjoy it~
It's all her fault~~
Haha, she must felt left out on Friday coz we all called her to stay away from us for a moment with the lame excuse
Go away. We're going to plan the surprise that we're giving you.
Childish was the only word that can describe us.
Revenge is not the only thing in our life!!
I really hate you right now.
After reading all those stupid comments and wall post you posted..
Because of you, I've lost everything

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