Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday my ass

Aren't birthday suppose to be happy and unforgettable?
Why am I feeling the same as the normal days?
I'm trapped in my house, enable to go out.

Why even on my birthday I also can't hang out with my friends?
I doesn't need wishes or eat expensive dinner...
I don't wanna spend my whole day in front of my pc in home or go out with my parents
Why don't they just understand? I just wanna have least on my birthday!
I should know my parents' attitude. Over-protective?
Shitty boring day..
When I asked about go out with friends, their answer is always no.
Others can have so much fun and creating many memories on their special day..
What about me? I'm not a human too?
Gosh, we need relax!!
With a little hope I asked my dad for going out with friends. His answer is no.
It's always like that
I asked why. I need the reason. Then he said no again and without the reason.
They're always like that too. I'm used to it anyway.
You just don't understand my feelings..
I just knew it. Birthday is useless to celebrate..

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